Friday, June 8, 2012

Tentative charter/rulebook for XMFM

I.  Mission and ideals
Xerxes' Million Fighting Men seeks to present, for the education and entertainment of the public, an authentic image of the first Persian empire, and in particular those of its peoples who participated in the Greek phase of the Graeco-Persian wars, 490-479 BC.

XMFM aims first and foremost to communicate the truth as near as it can be discerned.  Although our material culture and interactions with each other will showcase a certain image, when speaking directly to the public, we should not be afraid to admit to uncertainties, theories and conjectures about history and compromises in our impression.  If new evidence demonstrates that part of our impression is incorrect, that part must change; when limits on time or money prevents an update, the part should be excised; when it cannot be excised, the compromise should be acknowledged when speaking to the public.

Conscious misleading of others is strictly forbidden.  Political, religious, ethnic or other biases should be recognized and put aside as best as you are able.

II.  Materials
Clothing and equipment should be the most authentic that you are able to obtain.  For all "bronze," brass and other copper alloys with a similar look may be substituted.  For all "iron," any iron alloy suitable to the particular function may be used.  Plating may be used where historically documented.  For "sinew," artificial sinew or dental floss may be substituted.  For woods, any that will hold up under use is acceptable unless it has a distinct inappropriate look.  For fabric and leather, see the Denim and leather article.

III.  Personal appearance
XMFM aims to keep rules on personal appearance minimal and keep the doors open as wide as possible for new members.  Anything about your appearance that can easily be changed to appear less anachronistic should be.

Anyone of any race or ethnicity may reenact as any ethnicity documented as having been personally involved in events in the Persian empire or its enemies, allies, subjects or trading partners.  However, XMFM encourages people to choose a nation that reasonably matches with their own appearance.

Hair (including on the face and anywhere else visible to the public) may be any length or absent, but must be free of obvious styling or dyes that you can't document in period.

During public presentation, no clearly modern clothing, jewelry or accessories may be worn.  This includes watches and glasses; keep them in your pocket.  Wear contact lenses if you can.

IV.  Safety
Scrupulous attention must be paid to preventing injury during handling and demonstration of sharp weapons and stage combat.  Materials on display must be attended by at least one member.  The public may only handle materials under close supervision.

V.  Fiscal policy
If you have extra kit, please be willing to lend it to others.  However, ultimately it is the responsibility of each member to provide sufficient kit for his or her own impression.

Collectively-used expenses (car rental, cab fare, etc.) will be distributed among those using them.

VI.  Government
Form of government will be determined once four members have been recruited.

Next up:  ...
...  Actually, that's it.  I don't have any more articles scheduled.  I'll post more news as it develops, but for the moment I've covered everything I can.

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